The Great Prayer

By Francis Frangipane If you believe in Christ, and believe He is the only begotten of the Father, then be assured, Jesus will have all His prayers answered. A time is coming, and now is, when both Heaven and earth shall respond to Jesus’ prayer, “that...

Righteous Judgement

By Francis Frangipane I have urged you, my friends and colleagues, to resist the trends of anger and bitter cynicism that exist in our world today. Instead, we must strive to possess the “higher . . . thoughts” of Christ (Isa. 55:9). In truth, our calling...

In the Furnace of God’s Glory

By Francis Frangipane God’s word assures us that the Redeemer we see in the gospels is the same Lord Who enters our lives when we are born again. The same things Jesus did in the first century, He promises to do again for us today. Indeed, Scripture confirms...

The Divine Pursuit: Stages of Seeking God

By Francis Frangipane The divine pursuit begins with the humbling of self. Until we embrace humility, our natural mind displays itself as a god sitting in the temple of our thought-life. We are ruled by the tyranny of fleshly desires, soulish fears and human...

The Land Beneath Our Feet

By Francis Frangipane I have been asked to unmask the “spiritual power” opposing the body of Christ in a region. City leaders and intercessors have even asked if I knew the “name” of the principle spirit that is resisting the church in their...

Prophet, Priest and King

By Francis Frangipane The Anointing We refer to our Lord as Jesus Christ, but His name, simply, was Jesus (or Yeshua in Hebrew). The term Christ comes from the Greek translation of the Hebrew word for “Messiah,” which meant “the Anointed One.”...