The Vision of ICIT

At ICIT our goal is to see hundreds of thousands of pastors and intercessors―people from all walks of life―focus their energies on becoming Christlike.

The Vision

In 1970 the Holy Spirit gave Pastor Francis Frangipane a vision that included a powerful promise from Isaiah 60. It reads,

“For behold, darkness will cover the earth,
and deep darkness the peoples.
But the Lord will rise upon you,
and His glory will appear upon you.
And nations will come to your light,
and kings to the brightness of your rising” (vv. 2-3).
(See Pastor Frangipane’s book, The Days of His Presence.)


Watch Francis during a TBN interview about our training center.

Since this vision, through books, video and audio media, and now through our online courses, the Holy Spirit has continued working through the life of Pastor Francis to see the church filled with the glory and presence of God. It is our deep conviction that there shall be a great, last-days witness to all nations before Christ returns (see Matt. 24:14). Today students are being trained from over one hundred twenty-one nations and territories and all fifty U.S. states. The vision of Isaiah 60 is becoming a reality.

In amazing ways, the Holy Spirit is raising up and empowering ordinary people for extraordinary callings. Transformed men and women are transforming their neighborhoods and churches. The goal is clear and concise: we are seeking to possess the character and power of the Lord Jesus Christ. Whether your desire is to see your family transformed or your nation in revival, today is not the time to despair, but to prepare

In Christ’s Image Training (ICIT)

At ICIT our goal is to see hundreds of thousands of pastors and intercessors―people from all walks of life―focus their energies on becoming Christlike. Our confidence is that every time the Father sees His Son manifest upon the earth, His heart is “well-pleased.” If we truly reveal Jesus, we too will awaken the pleasure of God, and when the Father’s pleasure is stirred, His redemptive power soon follows.

In Christ’s Image Training provides two levels of foundational teaching. ICIT also offers an opportunity to join Advancing Church Ministries Association. Level I offers a six-month training opportunity. Each lesson includes one to two written teachings plus accompanying audios teachings uniquely selected to expand upon the written material.

The messages for Level I represent those spiritual values that have been proven, both in Pastor Frangipane’s ministry and countless others as well. Level I training focuses upon the vision of attaining Christlikeness, with added tracks on humility, redemptive intercession, and commitment to unity in the body of Christ. The student who successfully walks through this Level I training will receive much more than just theological knowledge; the disciple will obtain a living, functioning impartation from the Holy Spirit (See Rom. 1:11, 1 Thess. 2:8, and Matt. 10:41). They will learn principles on becoming unoffendable, prospering in adversity, healing relationships and many other vital truths.

Variety of Ministries, But the Same Lord

Growing in Christ is a three-month training program. This material introduces other national leaders with Pastor Frangipane. These are men and women who have been anointed by God for this season of harvest. These individuals also represent a variety of ministry expressions. Such diversity helps acquaint the student with individuals who share the Christ-centered values esteemed in Level I. In the Level II material, the ICIT students will experience the thoughts and passions of prophetic, evangelistic and other ministry strengths and callings.

If you are unsure of your calling, Level II will also help you identify your ministry simply by measuring your response to the variety of other teachings. Thus, In Christ’s Image Training is an excellent way to fulfill your lifelong dreams of ministry. Whether you take only the Level I foundational tracks or both levels and join our Advancing Church Ministries Association, your life will be enriched.

Whether your goal is to respond to God’s call for full-time ministry or to become a radiant witness for Christ to your family, in your neighborhood, school or workplace, ICIT offers training, spiritual impartation and certification with both foundational and advanced studies.

For those seeking to go on into ordination and credentialing, please consider our partner organization: International Ministers Fellowship.
Visit for important information.

Free Download of Our Brochure

Many people have been requesting brochures of In Christ’s Image Training to share with pastors, family, friends, and neighbors. Below is a link to a file that you can save to your computer and print  out for this very purpose.