Frequently Asked Questions

How do I contact In Christ's Image Training?

Email us at [email protected].

Are there books included in this online course?

No. Printed books are not included in the online course. Audios and lessons are all online and included in the course. No books will shipped to you.

All lessons and audios are online through our website for your personal use. Purchasing the printed manuals is not required as all the material is provided online, once you are logged into the course.

However, if you would like the printed manuals for Level I or the CDs, you can order them here:

Is there any online communication with other students?

We would like to invite you to browse through our entire website. There are many resources available, including a Facebook page for ICIT students to correspond, if they choose.

From start to finish, how long will it take for me to be commissioned?

A student can expect to spend 7 to 16 months in training, depending upon the pase of the student and the work of the Holy Spirit, using the material. We believe that your true mentor and trainer is Jesus Christ Himself, and much of your equipping will continue on long after your time with us.

Are the materials available in Spanish or other languages?

At this time, all materials are in English, Spanish and Finnish. Please feel free to contact us if you feel led to translate.

What is the age requirement to enroll in In Christ's Image Training?

Students must be at least 16 years of age. Those 16 and 17 must send written permission to our administrative office from either their parents or their pastor.

I understand that I don't have to enroll in Level II immediately following graduation of Level I. What is the time limit to continue the courses?

There is no time limit between Level I and enrolling in Level II, of course it is suggested that you keep growing in your spiritual study.

How much is tuition for your course?

View our current general enrollment fee on our enrollment page.

What if I start Level I in the Group Study and then I fall behind or I am unable to continue attending group meetings. Can I still graduate and go on to Level II?

Attending the group meeting and completing the material as scheduled with the group is a requirement of the Group Plan. Contact us immediately if your situation changes and you are no longer able to attend the group meetings do discuss the material.

We do permit students in the Group Study to transfer and begin Level I again. Email us regarding your situation and we can give you some options. [email protected]

Can couples or students in groups complete the exams together and submit the same exam?

No, each student is enrolled separately and is expected to complete their own final exams.

When do Level I and Level II classes begin each year?

Level I is now available anytime you are ready to begin. Simply complete the enrollment form, submit tuition and you are ready to being right away. Level I graduates can begin Level II at anytime after graduating Level I.

Am I able to print out the ICIT lessons?

The lessons are not available in printable format. Since this is an online course, all the material is only available online only. Once you are an enrolled students, you will always be able to log back into the course to access the material.

Are there any refunds offered for the online course?

All sales are final so consider this before enrolling, being certain you are comfortable using a computer or smart phone to go through the online course.

This course can be taken on a desktop computer, tablet or smartphone. If facilitating a group using the Group Study Plan, be certain that all those in your group are comfortable using this format before adding them to your group.

I am not very good on a computer or smartphone, can I still take this online course?

Yes, however, if you are not comfortable using a computer or smartphone to access the ICIT material, you can order what we call Basic Training from Arrow Publications. This mode of study includes the four printed manuals, Christlikeness, Humility, Prayer and Unity as well as the 39 audio messages in CD format. More information: Arrow Publications Basic Training

If I enroll how much time do I need to reserve for ICIT lessons and audios each week?

The answer to this is very individualized. First, let us say that the Holy Spirit does a deep, life-changing work through the training material. That's why the lessons are paced over a three to six month period, depending upon enrollment plan. If students fall behind and cram, the transformation is not nearly as profound. So, be certain to count the cost before enrolling for 3-6-months of intense training by the Holy Spirit.

The lessons and audios each week are not real long. The chapters are only 8-10 pages and the training includes 1-2 audio messages with each session, running about 30 minutes each. The written material can take around 30 minutes to read through. However, students can find themselves drawn into prayer, worship, Bible study, devotional time, journaling and more. Of course many students find themselves going back over the material several times, even after graduation.

For the Group Study plan can we form a group with those from other areas/cities/regions?

The Group Study plan is for local groups in your area that would be able to physically meet weekly or bi-weekly to discuss the material.

Can facilitate a Level I group with some enrolling in the online course and others using the printed manuals?

No, we do not permit the different modes of study to mix. Only those enrolled in the online course are permitted to attend the weekly group meetings.

If a person is already a pastor or has a degree do they still have to start with on Level I?

Yes, Level I is foundational. We have most every walk of life enrolled in ICIT including many pastors, rabbis, Ph.D.s, homemakers and truck drivers, to name a few. One goal of Level I is to remove the trappings and misdirection of mere religion, and simplify the vision of attaining Christlikeness. The student will also be positioned and strengthened in Christlike, "unoffendable" intercession for their families, churches and communities.

Where can I learn more about what Advancing Church Ministries Association is all about?

You can visit the ACMA pages on this website - Advancing Church Ministries Association.

I live outside the United States. How much will tuition be in my country's currency?

To get an estimate on the tuition amount in your country, you may calculate the currency exchange rate at Funds are converted automatically when you submit tuition.

Can students from other nations be commissioned through Advancing Church Ministries?

Yes, we have Level I graduates who have applied and been accepted into ACMA from around the world.

What is the age requirement to join the Advancing Church Ministries Association?

Graduates must be at least 21 years of age to join the Association.