We have received hundreds of wonderful testimonies from students of our In Christ’s Image Training and we wanted to share of few of them with you.
I have been to Duke Seminary and have completed several continue educational classes and study the Word of God every day. I have traveled to 9 nations spreading the Word of God. I have birthed 5 churches within our ministries in the last 15 + years in ministries and I have to say that this In Christ’s Image Training is by far the best training program that draws people into the inter chambers of the heart of the Lord. Everyone that has taken this training in our church has been blessed beyond anything we imagined. I will require my church & ministries leadership to complete this training.
The students in my group are being profoundly impacted by the course already. Most of them have been saved for decades and yet they realize how much they still need to learn and do to be Christlike. My pastor is one of the students, and what he is learning is impacting the church because his messages are influenced by the study. By what I have seen and experienced, ICIT is truly appropriate for the present Church and for these Times. Thank you for your servitude and your faithfulness.
My wife, two friends, and I completed the ICITC Level 1 training earlier this year. It was one of the most difficult things I have ever been through, but that’s a good thing! For the first time in my life I can say that I have a testimony. Every person in our group, and especially me, literally walked out each session. The teachings were powerful, especially as the Holy Spirit used them as catalyst to break strong holds and to expose our sinful natures. I remember reading in the material that when God corrects us that it hurts, but that He also brings healing to those hurts. I have never had a more miserable, painful year but looking back it was all worth it.
I would like you and your staff to know how much the In Christ Image Course has helped me. At the time I took the course I was going thru a marriage trial. The Lord used my husband, my marriage, to teach me to love no matter what and to turn the other cheek instead, and to really put others before me. My husband is maniac depressed, don’t work, don’t provide, don’t help with anything, but still the Lord was asking of me to give myself and I thank God for your training and for everything that I went thru because it really transformed my heart and today the Lord is using me in the minister of healing hearts and transforming hearts and also in deliverance. He showed me that everything is in our heart should be from the root of faith and love and to guard my heart above all else (Proverbs 4:23). I am pursuing more of the character of Jesus and I found your teaching very truthful, honest and with an annointing of impartation that we can receive from you. I always go back and listen to the CDs and at this moment I am listening to the CD’s again, because trials never stop.
The training has truly touched my heart, brought me close to Christ. I have seen the Lord take each lesson and do a deep, powerful work in me. He has shown me His love, uprooted and cleansed me of things and strengthened and healed me. He is making a truly new creation of me and imparting to me Himself in ways and with abilities that are only possible through Him. I am learning far more than the words of the text alone could teach me. The Lord is building His ministry instead of mine in me. Praise the Lord!
My studies in the In Christ’s Image have strengthened me and encouraged me to openly acknowledge to myself before God my weaknesses and humanity when confronted and tested with this suffering and emotional pain, the studies have encouraged me to trust in the abiding presents and strength that is mine in Christ. For this I thank you all. I believe this period of study is just the beginning of a deeper movement in my life that has the DNA of the my loving Father all over it.
I’ve always wanted to serve God – but I used to think my ability to do that was based on how much I studied or read or understood – my intellect and my ability to communicate the inklings of God that persisted in my spirit in spite of the perseverance of self. Oh, my. And when I spoke, no one listened. Confusion, anger, self-pity and pride reared up in my spirit. Then God said, ‘Do the ICIT’. I argued with Him because it seemed pretty expensive, and He replied, ‘Do it!’ I coasted right through Christlikeness and then came to Humility. Oh my! This is the part of the course that had the greatest impact on me. Week 1 spoke truth to me and I submitted to it. Week 2 spoke more truth to me and I submitted to it. Each week came and the assault on my pride continued until ‘Hiddeness’. This part of the course validated my nothingness. It became absolutely okay to be a nobody. And now people are asking and people are listening and I am waiting upon the Lord.
The time I spent in ICIT training has changed my heart and continues to help me lead others. I see it as a very important plan from the Lord.
ICIT is an answer to a prayer I’ve prayed for years. My husband and I have been part of the leadership of our church for more than 15 years. During those years difficult situations occurred, and I had a very hard time dealing with some of the things that we had to go through. When we were going through the ICI Training, I kept saying to myself, ‘Praise the Lord, ‘it’ happens to others as well’. Since we’ve ‘graduated’, I have gone back over the material when situations have arisen, and it has really helped me overcome and deal with things better. Thank you for your ministry.
This has been the best course I have ever taken in my 35 years of Christianity.
I wish I would have had this class 40 years ago, God has changed me more since I started this class than in my previous 40 years as a Christian.
God is doing a powerful work in me through the course. It is amazing how each lesson “fits” what is going on in my life that week! Only God! It seems that I have a concurrent experience each week that is quite like a “lab course” concerning the lesson that week. You can imagine the week beginning on Humility was not a fun week for me. My grown children had an “intervention” to confront me about some things in my life. Wow! and Ouch! It was a true “de-mask-us” experience. I have never felt such deep pain as I faced the naked truth about myself. I had been asking God for months to show me what was holding me back. Better watch what I pray for, I might get it! 🙂 I could not believe how perfectly the teaching described the process of being faced with our own pride.
I am forever grateful to Francis and excited about what God is doing in my life through the training.
I have just completed Level 2 of ICIT and wanted to personally thank you for being obedient to God and providing this awesome training in Christlikeness. I thought I was going to learn about Jesus, but I had absolutely no idea of the spiritual journey into Christlikeness I was about to begin. I have no words big enough to explain the impact this training had on myself and upon the others with whom I have been so blessed to share some of the fundamentals of becoming Christlike, so I guess you will have to wait until you get to heaven to know the impact this teaching has truly had upon the body of Christ.
Learning about Christlikeness has been outstanding. I have been delivered from shyness (false humility). After soaking up the word and ICIT lessons, I know I will preach the goodness of Christ’s love for us all at some point in time.
Wow! Nothing like feeling like you are right exactly in the center of where God wants you to be! Is God really doing this with the rest of the students? Every issue, every question, every struggle I have been having has really been addressed in such a personal way through this training. It is really like it was written specifically for me. God is truly amazing, and Big! Only an infinate God could be so intimate with all of us all at once… and just think of the logistics! well…we just can’t. wow.
It’s ironic to me that the more I make my life about Jesus and less about me, the more personal the relationship becomes. : ) I can’t wait to get to lesson 6!
We want to tell you how much the church has benefited from the whole ICIT ministry and teaching. We had just faced a unity challenge which we would not have recognized until taking ICIT lessons. God has put us in a position where we are better equipped – combining the factors of discipline, love and protection of the rest of the flock.
I was born again, loved God, and was serving in a ministry. But I was never ‘in love’ with Jesus until Francis and ICI entered my life and trained me in Christlikeness. Then something happened between Jesus and me. Everything is different now. And everything seems to make sense now (why we do the things we do as Christians). I no longer have to do things just out of a sense of obligation, but my understanding is being progressively opened up. Finally, I feel like I have seen His heart and felt it beat in me.
The word that comes to mind for me is ‘invaluable’. Pastor Francis and ICIT have been a direct answer to prayer. I can’t imagine any course more timely than this. The teachings are so well written, anointed and revelatory and they lead us into the very will of God. And this conference has been one of the best blessings of my life. I have met so many wonderful, anointed, spirit-filled people and have grown spiritually, not only from the messages brought forth, but also from the many divine appointments God has brought at this on-site impartation.
God started taking me through a deep time of repentance prior to coming to taking the course. The course has shown not only myself how to become a disciple but has given me something to pass on to others. My wife (Deborah) and I teach marriage classes and do marriage coaching. We taught Level I to those we coached in their marriages. We have found that the closer people come to Christ (Christlikeness) the marriage becomes more healthy. To see God’s glory come to marriages that were about to divorce is exciting. As the couples we meet with have the lights come on (revelation of the Holy Spirit) and their lives change, God’s glory shines through their lives. This course has brought life to our marriage and family (6 kids). I’m planning on going through the course with each of my kids. May God richly bless all involved with the ICIT course.
This has been so amazing!!!!! Not only that, it has been life changing and eye opening!!!!! I have a boldness like never before!!!! God is good!!!! My husband also went through level 1!!!! We are closer now than we have ever been, in the nearly 25yrs we’ve been together!!!!!Â
I finished the Humility track and exam today. I cannot describe in words the impact this has had upon me! I have experienced being moved to tears of joy and repentance as I meditate upon the materials. I would not trade these experiences for anything! It causes me to see church and life so totally differently! I can only say that life and ministry would have been so much better if I had had this teaching years ago! However, this is not a lament but sheer joy as this is becoming revelation knowledge way more than doctrinal knowledge!
I am grateful for Francis’ teaching, materials and school — grateful to him and grateful to God. I have been through a numbers of schools – prophetic ministry, dream interpretation, formal seminary and even a stint in an academic Ph.D. program in Old Testament. My conclusion? By far, this school remains the most important I have ever gone through in my life.
I will be a better husband, father and pastor for this experience and we are only half way through level one!
I’m already I’m astounded at “new thought” patterns I’m developing. Here I’ve been waiting for the Rapture instead of working for the Harvest….my WHOLE mindset now has changed. I thought any day now we’d be out of here BUT I no longer think that way… what profound insight Pastor Frangipane has gleaned from his study in the WORD!… and I thank GOD that he didn’t KEEP IT for himself but is passing it on to us “disciples”.
I know that in the natural Francis cannot possibly know what the ICIT course has meant to my life, nor the things I’ve gone thru since taking it. Yet, his words reveal that he understands what the process of becoming Christ-like is truly like.
ICIT has been a big help in bringing me to the point I am. Somehow the impartation on things I’ve learned, heard and maybe new ways of looking at things has opened me up to MORE of Jesus and of course more brings transformation.
It has been life changing. It has been a process of impartation that has caused my old roots to be dealt with and new ones to be planted instead. I never thought the training of the Holy Spirit would be so real and life impacting through this course when I first enrolled. I was just so desperate for Jesus Himself that I felt I had to do it. Now I know it has been God Himself who orchestrated my circumstances in order to fulfill His main passion for my life to see the emergence of the life of Jesus Christ in me. Praise the Lord!
I just wanted to let you know how amazing it is that God has worked all things together so perfectly with my life and this training. Week after week after week, I find myself in circumstances that are almost immediately spoken to in either the written lesson or the audio or both. It is hard for me to understand the intensity and depth of what I am gaining so far in this training. Everything, I mean everything I am experiencing in life is a confirmation of these lessons. It all validates the hunger inside me and the growth I am experiencing. And the extent of the confirmation is just astounding. From work, to home, to stuff happening in my church, to what I see going on in the world…. It all points to the coming of Jesus and being ready as individuals and as the Bride.
When I first began the ICI course online, everything on the ‘outside’ of my ministry looked good, but I knew I was in trouble in my own life. God used this course to touch many of the things inside me – so much so that I went to the desert for a month of prayer and fasting! During that time the Lord stripped me layer by layer of everything that had been killing me. He stripped me until all that was left was Jesus and me – totally exposed to each other. This saved my life and ministry. At the end of that month, the Lord spoke to me about five nations he wanted to give me as an inheritance. I’ve been to three of them so far. We have been planting Bible schools in the Middle East and in the Horn of Africa nations. We now use this ICI training for all the staff and teachers in the schools – that way it filters down into every course we teach. Thank you!
Three years ago in October my husband learned he would lose his job. My first decision was that I would follow and honor my husband regardless of where he might go. Through nearly two years of unemployment and marital problems, ICIT kept me grounded. I realized that my life and marriage were not all-together pleasing to God. (Probably still aren’t; I’m in progress.) ICIT gave me a new, refreshing attitude about the church, leadership, unity and God has moved remarkably to heal my marriage and my fellowship in the citywide church. I look forward to facilitating ICIT in the fall and the exciting life in Christ.