Christ-likeness determines our success.
Online Classes and Resources to help you grow in your quest to become like Jesus.
Current Message by
Francis Frangipane
The Power of Honor; The Curse of Dishonor
By Francis Frangipane Among all in his era, Noah was the most godly. He alone was considered by the Almighty, blameless. In a time when terrible wrath was about to unfurl, Noah alone found favor with the Lord. Consider this man Noah and what he experienced: Aware that...
What does it mean to become more like Christ?
Distraction, cultural influences, and lack of teaching may have lulled you into believing average is normal. Don’t settle for a lifeless Christian walk.
Your relationship with God can be authentic, impactful, and life-giving.
It Starts With Wanting Something More
For over 50 years, Francis has been ministering a profound and solid understanding of the heart and character of Christ. His direct and clear teachings stirring Christians to a genuine hunger for righteousness and a relentless desire to go higher.
Online courses, focused in four essential stages of spiritual growth.
Designed to challenge and equip.
I have been to Duke Seminary and have completed several continue educational classes and study the Word of God every day. I have traveled to 9 nations spreading the Word of God. I have birthed 5 churches within our ministries in the last 15 + years in ministries and I have to say that this In Christ’s Image Training is by far the best training program that draws people into the inter chambers of the heart of the Lord. Everyone that has taken this training in our church has been blessed beyond anything we imagined. I will require my church & ministries leadership to complete this training.
God is doing a powerful work in me through the course. It is amazing how each lesson “fits” what is going on in my life that week! Only God! It seems that I have a concurrent experience each week that is quite like a “lab course” concerning the lesson that week. You can imagine the week beginning on Humility was not a fun week for me. My grown children had an “intervention” to confront me about some things in my life. Wow! and Ouch! It was a true “de-mask-us” experience. I have never felt such deep pain as I faced the naked truth about myself. I had been asking God for months to show me what was holding me back. Better watch what I pray for, I might get it! 🙂 I could not believe how perfectly the teaching described the process of being faced with our own pride.
I am forever grateful to Francis and excited about what God is doing in my life through the training.
I have just completed Level 2 of ICIT and wanted to personally thank you for being obedient to God and providing this awesome training in Christlikeness. I thought I was going to learn about Jesus, but I had absolutely no idea of the spiritual journey into Christlikeness I was about to begin. I have no words big enough to explain the impact this training had on myself and upon the others with whom I have been so blessed to share some of the fundamentals of becoming Christlike, so I guess you will have to wait until you get to heaven to know the impact this teaching has truly had upon the body of Christ.
In Christ’s Image Training is an international online course designed to take Christians at all levels and lead them into a deeper understanding of what it means to be like Christ.
Whether you aspire for a ministry role or want to grow in your relationship with God, the home study curriculum is quoted as being one of the most impactful journey’s you may take with the Lord.
Two Levels
of Content
Foundational classes equip at all levels. No matter where you are in your walk, from new believers to intercessors, ministry leaders, future pastors and pastors for effectual, Christ-like living.
Affordable and
We keep the cost affordable and the content practical so everyone can discover and practice Christ-like living.
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Today, students from over 121 nations and all 50 states are being trained.
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of Christ in your life.
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Explore all the teachings and materials on our “In Christ’s Image” platform.
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Discover the power and freedom that comes with living to please the Father.
Ministry Endorsements
I know of few prophetic voices to the body of Christ that match the consistency of wisdom and balance of truth that Francis Frangipane represents. His pastor’s heart and biblical solidity flavor his writing and nourish souls unto health while calling us all to God’s purposes in this present hour.
Francis Frangipane is a pastor who is a pioneer for our times. He loves the local congregations and the people he serves, but he is unafraid and undeterred to speak the truth in love (tough love, for sure) about Christ and the state of the Church. A pioneer too, he has mentored me in the work of the Holy Spirit in calling pastors and anointed leaders together for the welfare of their community and city. This book truly saved my ministry life! The topics and truths God gave Francis to write rescued me in the midst of a ministry crisis; reinvigorated my mind, heart, and soul; and reset my feet on a Spirit-directed path of service to Christ and His Church—and I have never looked back. Pastors and prayer-passionate leaders will be especially grateful and guided as they encounter the Lord and His scriptural vision for the Father’s house. Buckle up!
I believe that Francis Frangipane is one of the most gifted of current Christian writers. The books that he has authored have appealed to a broad spectrum of Christians who have been encouraged and edified by many of his rich spiritual insights. I am deeply grateful for his contributions to my life and ministry. This volume has special interest to me since it focuses upon the need and benefits of authentic spiritual unity. I pray that God will use it powerfully to encourage His people who comprise the body of Christ to become committed advocates of the unity that only the Holy Spirit can provide. It is the great need of this generation of Christians.
First, in the interest of full disclosure, Francis is a friend of mine. It is more than that. There are very few on Planet Earth of whom I could freely say our hearts beat as one in our passion for knowing and exalting the Son of God. Having traveled the globe for more than thirty years, I only know a handful of leaders who share with me an unshakable hope that the Church is at the threshold of a major Christ-awakening that will transform congregations, communities, and nations. Francis is at the top of my list.
Other Resources by Francis Frangipane
Books, audio and video resources by Francis Frangipane.
Recent messages by Francis Frangipane
The Power of Honor; The Curse of Dishonor
By Francis Frangipane Among all in his era, Noah was the most godly. He alone was considered by the Almighty, blameless. In a time when terrible wrath was about to unfurl, Noah alone found favor with the Lord. Consider this man Noah and what he experienced: Aware that the end
The Pathway to Power
By Francis Frangipane A new awakening is coming to the church. It will be birthed by prayer and sheltered by humility, but its power will emerge through compassion. The strength of this fresh move is the deep yearning of the Lord Himself. Yes, even in the midst of hellish conditions
The Great Prayer
By Francis Frangipane If you believe in Christ, and believe He is the only begotten of the Father, then be assured, Jesus will have all His prayers answered. A time is coming, and now is, when both Heaven and earth shall respond to Jesus’ prayer, “that they may all be
Righteous Judgement
By Francis Frangipane I have urged you, my friends and colleagues, to resist the trends of anger and bitter cynicism that exist in our world today. Instead, we must strive to possess the “higher . . . thoughts” of Christ (Isa. 55:9). In truth, our calling is to serve God
In the Furnace of God’s Glory
By Francis Frangipane God’s word assures us that the Redeemer we see in the gospels is the same Lord Who enters our lives when we are born again. The same things Jesus did in the first century, He promises to do again for us today. Indeed, Scripture confirms that “Jesus
The Divine Pursuit: Stages of Seeking God
By Francis Frangipane The divine pursuit begins with the humbling of self. Until we embrace humility, our natural mind displays itself as a god sitting in the temple of our thought-life. We are ruled by the tyranny of fleshly desires, soulish fears and human ambitions. To advance in God we
The Land Beneath Our Feet
By Francis Frangipane I have been asked to unmask the “spiritual power” opposing the body of Christ in a region. City leaders and intercessors have even asked if I knew the “name” of the principle spirit that is resisting the church in their area. “Do you want to know the
Prophet, Priest and King
By Francis Frangipane The Anointing We refer to our Lord as Jesus Christ, but His name, simply, was Jesus (or Yeshua in Hebrew). The term Christ comes from the Greek translation of the Hebrew word for “Messiah,” which meant “the Anointed One.” Thus, it would be perfectly accurate to call
The Real Jesus
By Francis Frangipane Get used to the idea that Jesus is seeking to perfect your faith (Heb. 12:2). Sooner or later, the real Jesus will require you to look straight in the eye of the impossible and believe God for His power. Consider when the Lord sent His disciples to
The Valley of Fruitfulness
By Francis Frangipane The battles we face are often intense times of weakness, distress, and confusion. If the events of our lives were charted, these would be the lowest points. Yet God is no less with us during difficulties than at other times. In fact, these valleys are often as