What the Spirit of Jezebel Hates

By Francis Frangipane Perhaps at no other time in history has the spirit of Jezebel had such access to a culture. This immoral spirit has set its goal to corrupt entire generations. Jesus Himself warned about tolerating the influence of this spirit. In fact, He...

The Sword of the Spirit

Francis Frangipane Christ not only came to set captives free, He came to train and empower the recently freed to be warriors. We may not always walk perfectly, but because God causes all things to work for good, we still can walk triumphantly. How can we, imperfect...

In the Face of the Impossible

By Francis Frangipane The Making of a Ministry “The disciples came to Him, saying, ‘The place is desolate, and the time is already past; so send the multitudes away, that they may go into the villages and buy food for themselves.’ But Jesus said to...